
Showing posts from November, 2017

Republicans Declare War on Colleges and College Students

To pay for a permanent tax cut on corporations, the Republican tax plan raises taxes on colleges and college students, which is part of a broader Republican war on higher education in the U.S.  This is a big deal, because in the last half-century, the most important long-term driver of wage growth  has arguably been college . The House bill would reduce benefits for higher education by more than $60 billion in the coming decade. It would shock graduate students with sudden tax increases, punish student debtors, and force schools to raise tuition at a time when higher education already feels unaffordable for many students.  On balance, the GOP plan would encourage large corporations to invest in new machines in the workplace, while discouraging American workers from investing in themselves.

Want Kids, a Degree or a Home? The Tax Bill Would Cost You

Don’t get sick or have a major accident. The tax bill takes away the medical expense deduction. Don’t have dependents.  Under the proposal, dependent-care benefits that families receive from employers for things like day care or elder care, including flexible spending accounts, will become taxable.   Don’t move for a better job.  The bill would repeal the deduction for moving expenses when families take a new job that is at least 50 miles away. Don’t plan to buy a home. The Republicans want to end a program that lets state and local governments issue private-activity bonds to finance housing and let homeowners claim a tax credit on certain mortgages.  Don’t plan to go to college.  The bill repeals numerous education deductions and credits. It also makes taxable the value of the tuition and other benefits universities give to their graduate teaching and research assistants. Ditto for education benefits offered by employers to their workers.  Don’t keep up with inflation. One o

Where is the Tax Plan to Benefit the Middle Class?

The Administration has proposed a tax plan to benefit the wealthy.  Trump was able to dominate the media for days with the Republican tax plan.  So why was there no Democratic Party tax plan announced the same day as the Republican plan? It is not enough for Pelosi and Schumer to hold a press conference to complain about the Republican plan. There should have been a Democratic Plan that the media could analyze and discuss for days and compare it to the Republican plan.